4 Effective Email Marketing Templates for AEC Pros

John Lehman
John Lehman
August 23, 2021

If you’re not already emailing your clients a digital invoice, you should be! Research shows that as much as 79 percent of consumers have switched to paperless billing for their utilities and other services. In other words, there’s a large slice of modern consumers who would rather not get a paper bill from their service providers and would rather handle the matter digitally.

Of course, crafting an effective invoice email is essential, and can make all the difference between getting paid faster and more consistently. Here, we’ll provide you with four ways to write the best invoice emails to your clients.

Payment link email template

Not only should you send your clients a digital invoice via email, you should also give them the ability to pay your invoice directly within your invoice email! The best online payment solutions grant you access to a customizable payment page where you clients can safely pay your bill by entering their own payment data.

You could easily include this payment link in your email to give your clients the ability to pay your invoice as soon as they get it. In fact, our data suggests that as many as 62 percent of online bills are paid within 24 hours of being received! By including a payment link in the email, you’re giving your clients a direct line to taking care of your bill right away, making payment easy for them and increasing cash flow for you.

Follow up email template

While some clients will be punctual with their payments, others might need a little bit of a gentle reminder to keep your invoice fresh in their minds. If your due date is looming and you’ve yet to see a payment from your client, consider sending them a follow up email to check in with them.

Keep the tone friendly and not overly demanding. After all, life can get hectic for many professionals, and your invoice might have gotten lost in the clutter of their inboxes. Your goal here is to just remind them about the due date and inspire them to pay on time.

Naturally, a follow up email is also a perfect opportunity to remind them about your payment options. Like the previous example, you should include a payment link within this email and explain how quick and easy it is for your client to pay your bill online. Given that your due date has almost arrived, the prospect of getting your bill taken care of right away should be appealing to your clients, encouraging them to take advantage of your online payment options.

Late invoice email template

Unfortunately, every professional is familiar with this scenario; your invoice is past the due date and there is no payment to be seen from your client. At this point, it’s absolutely imperative that you reach out to your client and try to solicit a payment as soon as possible.

While you may feel frustrated (and understandably so), you don’t want your email to come off this way. You want to present the issue professionally, while still remaining firm on your needs. Inform them very clearly that the due date has passed and that payment is needed immediately.

Again, this is another scenario where online payments can be advantageous. Explain to your client that they can fix this issue immediately by submitting a payment online. Otherwise, a more traditional form of payment such as a check would have to go through the mail system, leading to longer delays (and the potential for a payment to get lost).

With the sense of urgency this scenario demands, this could encourage a client to try online payments and discover the benefits for themselves. Once they realize how quick and easy it is to use, they may not be late on their payments in the future.

Declined payment email template

Alternatively, what if a client tries to submit a payment, but the payment does not work? Perhaps their payment data was entered incorrectly, or their account does not have the necessary funds to complete the transaction properly. Either way, your client may not realize anything is wrong, and it's in your best interest to reach out to them to correct the issue as soon as you can.

Yet again, implementing online payments into your business can help solve this problem much faster. When reaching out to your clients to explain the situation, you can mention that your business has the ability to accept multiple forms of payment. For example, if the payment was declined due to insufficient funds, remind your client that you can accept payments in the form of a credit card. By providing alternatives, your clients have the ability to pay in the way that suits them, reducing the risk of declined payments from occurring in the first place.

Best of all, we’ve already done the leg work for you! Rather than craft these emails yourself, download our handy Email Marketing Template Kit. The kit includes adaptable examples of the four templates we’ve discussed in this blog that you can implement into your business today!